Theater Company

                                                                                                                                                      a non-profit organization



Don't Dress For Dinner

By Marc Camoletti  

Adapted by Robin Hawdon

Directed by Lewis Hauser



Brian Greene (Robert)

David Ghilardi (George)

Michael Homeier (Bernard)

Catherine Michaels (Suzette)

June Newberry (Suzanne)

Janine Pibal (Jacqueline)


Set Design & Construction - Michael McGee

Graphic Art Design - Catherine Michaels

Lighting - Ben Hedge & Chris Kjos

Dance Choreographer - Victoria Miller

Sound Design - Donnie Love

Company Producers - Michael J. Thompson

& Catherine Michaels


A story with more twists than a corkscrew!

A wife ready to visit her mother, her

husband sees an opportunity for a weekend

with his new girlfriend.  His bachelor pal shows up as his alibi and

of course, a Cordon Bleu cook is hired so they don’t go hungry. 

The story moves into the surreal world of high-speed farce, with

mistaken identities; clandestine relationships; hasty

improvisation, all carried along on a stream of rapid-fire,

double-meaning dialogue.



 Pictures    Press Release    Reviews



Performance Dates: July 15 - August 6, 2005 - The Whitmore-Lindley Theatre Complex - N. Hollywood, CA


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