Theatre Company

                                                                                                                                                      A California non-profit corporation

Guest Actors

The Vagabond Players Theatre Company is an ensemble group that periodically will invite guest actors to work with us on a production.  We have been very fortunate to be able to work with such fine actors and always enjoy the time we spend with them on a project.  The following guest actors will be appearing in our next production.


Genevieve Adell’s passion is lending her talent, time, and spirit to the collaborative art of storytelling. Performing since the age of 4, she has been acting, singing and dancing her way through life. She recently relocated from the east coast and is having an ardent love affair with Los Angeles. Genevieve is thrilled to be working with the fabulous Vagabond Players. She would like to dedicate her performance to her incredible parents who have never missed a gig – and yes they have traveled cross-country for this one too. For resume, reel, and contact information visit







Well-suited to play a senator, a cigar-chomping tycoon, or a devious villain, in the real world  I have played a NASA rocket scientist, an architect of world's    largest and most sophisticated real-time financial systems, and a high-powered business consultant to top global banks, selling over $150 million in buggy software and non-essential  services in the process. I am no longer on speaking terms with most of the world's first class airline lounges, and I can whisper to you my personal recommendation of where one may satisfy one's cravings for the real Duck Marco Polo. To compensate for latent feelings of childhood inadequacy, I have squandered untold fortunes on tailor-made suits and shiny baubles. My closet is home to one-of-a-kind bespoke pieces available for quick costume changes and big screen cameos at a drop of a contract.


Melinda was born in Hollywood, California and has studied acting since the age of 14. Her first stage audition brought her the lead role of Nora in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” and since then she has done many graduate and independent films, and a number of Improvisation shows around town.  Being a long-time fan of the Vagabond Players, Melinda is thrilled to be joining them for this production of  “Bridal Terrorism”.


Sarah a native Nebraskan, is thrilled to be making her Raven Theatre debut in Bridal Terrorism.  Past credits include Anything Goes, Rumors, Father of the Bride, Rhinoceros, The Little Mermaid and Guys and Dolls.  She would like to thank Lew Hauser for this amazing opportunity, her friends who keep her laughing, and her parents for allowing her to dream big!



Javier was born in Peru and made his acting debut in New York. He is very pleased to be working with The Vagabond Players and dedicates this show to his family.





Bio coming soon






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